Thursday, April 29, 2010

Boner sunday!!

Bdt is preparing for a race on Sunday, the hole team is on Anabolic steroids and Viagra 24/7 to get in shape for the upcoming event.

//P:Belladonna, Viagra for the Nobel-price in Medicine, who wants to save a weak heart if cant get it up..?

Coat of love..

BDT loves a colorful women and devote all their life to produce wet paint that could cover every body in the world in a coat love..

//P.Belledonna still has two ears..(status exclusively for the art edjucated)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wake up!!


We got some angry letters from unstrung readers concerning the latest post regarding promoting exotic dancers at the Royal Opera. We just wanna say face the facts...Opera had its glory days a century ago for the rich and fortunate, do you think that "real" people afforded something like the Opera?. We just wanna say, please don't impose your lost youth on the rest of us. We respect the tradition of Isadora Duncan, Tchaikovsky and the other composing dudes, but life moves forward, and the best way of coping with that is not to preserve the past. Life takes new expression for the better and for the worst, and the remains of history should rest on Wikipedia. People experiment, do things the wrong way, correct it and maybe change things to the better.

So there you are at the Royal Opera in front of 300 government tax payed artists trying to stay awake, wondering if it rains outside and whether someone stole your umbrella you left in the entrance. Or you can be in a dark space with an African wonder-woman performing her dancing skills in your lap. You feel her pulse vibrating in your bones, she is whispering the tones of freedom in your sensitive ear and her body is transforming your transcendental being to a level you never ever experienced before.

We are being accuses for anti intellectual anti feminist propaganda but that is the stupid mans defense, we just say WAKE UP! Have you ever fallen asleep with an exotic dancer in your lap..?

//P:Belladonna, what the fuck!! I like Opera!!

Roand and roand..

In a few hour it is premier of the Swedish Speedway league, BDT has two two of their members on the track, Jonas Kylmakorpi and Andreas Jonsson. Both of the Riders are in top shape and are looking forward to their first meeting were they meet each other, in Dackarna Vs Västervik In Målilla. We are going to be back soon with more info.

Follow the fight here

//P.Belladonna is placing his bets..

Love Warrior #25

Love warrior #25 is at a pole dancing school, to in the future give dancing lessons in the dungeon. For the BDT boys, pole dancing is the highest art form of dance. The BDT boys has been demonstrating outside the Swedish "Royal Opera" to make them understand the importance of this neglected art form. At the Royal Opera over dressed ballet dancers are lifting each other to 200 year old music. At the dungeon the women are flying naked, by them self, to fleshly music made in a basement tree days earlier...Can you get the absurd contrast? The Royal Opera gets millions of millions of tax paying money to preserve something so perverted as cultivated stagnated minds. So open your window and let the wind of the future fill your room and let the dust of yesterday blow away...

Send "your" opinion, to Kungliga operan, and maybe you will see a vibrant Love warrior crossing the stage in a near future.

//P.Belladonna is flying hight without the fucked culture elites wings of green Franklin's

Heads up!

//P.Belladonna is planning to buy a new head.

Riding lesson #1

//P.Belladonna have always extra pair or of panties in his back pocket..

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wild at heart

//P.Belladonna is releasing his red one..

Dont lose your head..

BDT is at a brain surgery session at the Social democrats interrogation department. The brains are going trough a serious intelligent scan, recently the social democrats has heard about the BDT boys unlimited creative abilities. The Social democrats wants to regain the political power of the county and are planning to drain the BDT boys brains of its highly potent magical force and use it as a weapon of mass deconstruction in their rigid fucked-up organization. The BDT essence of life will work as mental laxative throughout the hole organization with all their political co-workers. With newly acquired secret weapon the Social Democrats are convinced that they will be back in power by the end of this year. We just say, GOOD LUCK!!

//P.Belladonna loves the color of blood

Saturday, April 17, 2010

New Location!!

Instead of the promised Oil wresling champion chip, BDT had "Fredagsmys" with their bikes. A complain from the neibour have led the boys to move the Championchip to a new secret location TONIGHT! The grease is still hot so don´t miss out!!

//P.Belladonna it is getting slippery!!

Get your gun

//P.Belladonna is fully loaded:)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Erupting vulcanos

A black cloud is sweeping across Sweden..Is it the conscience that covers our souls, is it hell that finally reached earth ? No it is dust from BDT´s Erupting volcano, the never ending source of bubbling energy that is clouding peoples minds, People are starting to wear gasmasks to protect them self from getting infected by the contagious BDT Virus. The effect comes fast. People STOP to talk shit about other people, people START to think what they can do for other people instead of the opposite, people START to think that people that does things a little bit different is cool and they HAVE to get a Belladonna tracker, FAST... Dangerous ?? Shit!! get yourself a mask, FAST..

If you cant stand the effects get your mask here: Röda stjärnans Militaria

//P.Belladonna is breding the air

Babes & guns # 14

We are preparing for the oil wresing Championship tonight at 2100, every member of BDT has emetied their frying pans of grease to lubricate the super hot contenders.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Flying Finn is back again!

BDT just got a Phone call from The initiated BDT member Joonas Kylmakorpi that started the season excellent with last scoring 15 points in Manchester. After this performances so far for Eastbourne, JK was offered to race for Västervik. Kylmakorpi decided then to become a part of the team and signed the deal with Västervik Speedway.

This season his team partners in Västervik are going to be: Tomasz Chrzanowski, Chris Harris, Billy Forsberg, Tomasz Jędrzejak, Nikolai Klindt, Peter Ljung, Rafała Okoniewski. The leader of the team is a polish superstar Tomasz Gollob. Joonas is hoping to supply the team with his great effort and good performances. The league meetings starts at the 27th of April. Västervik is going to compete in the away battle racing against Dackarna.

//P:Belladonna says DONT BRAKE A LEG!!

65 000!!!

BDT´s victory train continues..We just reached sixty five thousand unique readers. WE ARE THE GREATEST GUYS WALKING IN BOOTS TO HAVE YOU ALL WITH US!!!

//P:Belladonna goes on..

Oil wrestling Jury

BDT are reqruting a secret Biker society to work as judge's on this Fridays "Oil wresting championship" in the dungeon. BDT has invested in the best oil man can get, for their contenders. The 99 octane sesame oil is going to make competition into furious female fight, where no hair is spared. So sign up now, the tickets are only 99€ (The money goes directly to beneficial purposes)

//P.Belladonna has a Vip ticket to spare

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Oil Wrestling Championchip

Above you can see the first contender from BDTs oil wresling championship on Friday night, she is at day time a dancer at the royal academy of Ballet, so its going to be crazy.

//P.Belladonna is is on and off, on and off, on and off, on and off,on and off,on and off.....

Love warrior # 95

We have favorite re run with Love warrior #95. She promised to host the oil wrestling championship BDT is hosting this Friday for the Swedish feminist party. The feminist party's new issue is that every women have the right to the same size of their breasts. A lot of women are in agony sizing their carriers of life in the mirror every morning, hoping for a miracle. The politicians have heard the feminist party and are developing the "Moderaterna" silicon institute. It is found the discrimination is far bigger the the politicians taught , through a resent research it is found that women with a bigger boobs have 33 % easer to get a attractive job than women with small ones. So instead of waiting for the traditional feminist movement to help women to be equal on the job market the feminists are simply requesting their followers to get bigger boobs.

//B.Belladonna is a little bit different

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The art of difference

A question Sequel!!WHAT THE HECK IS BELLADONNA?? We would say its the art of being different. Different sounds like an easy word but has for ages been hunted down by the forces of the controlled society.

We are not different because its cool or that we want to, it´s because we are and we can. It sounds ridiculous, but it takes some effort to fight the peoples perception of Status Q. BDT´s radical and frivolous living may take relationships to its limits, a few love warriors has already left the building to save their possibility to participate in a normal "IKEA" relationship with dinner and dessert in front of the television on Friday nights, we want a little bit more..

We have realized it is not within the angle of our eye perspective that the great possibilities lure, it is far outside, in undiscovered waters that tomorrow's truth lies. But to get there some conventions has to be questioned and crashed. "Different" makes people s**t their pants and they do everything in their power to preserve the patterns of the ordinary.

So instead of repeating whats already done, we want create something new, we take a little bit of this and a little bit of that... And then we put those hand picked pieces in a blender of love and we get BDT, Got it??

//P.Belladonna is was he was a few hours ago.

Body language

//P:Belladonna tonight at the BDT Dungeon

Less is more

//P.Belladonna is chili con ceso


//P.Belldonna, baby ride my motocycle..

Babes & guns # 14

//P.Belladonna is longing for NewYork