Saturday, January 16, 2010

Art's Birthday Party

The amazing Captain Credible
According to the American Fluxus artist Robert Filliou, art was born over one million years ago when someone dropped a sponge in a bucket of water. It would have taken place on 17 January and, therefore, appointed Filliou January 17, the Arts birthday. To celebrate this, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and the Swedish Radio has created an annual radio event where electronic music and sounds across Europe. 2010 Art's Birthday Party is held for the sixth time in Sweden. It is the Swedish Radio and Southern Theater in Stockholm which offers the party.

Art's Birthday Party is a transnational visual and musical experience that has its origin in various kinds of electronic music and sound art. It stretches from the narrow to the broad, from the experimental sound art, performance art, radio art, noise and electronic music to pop-oriented electronica, techno, dj-culture and pop / rock with his foot in the electronic tradition.

Södra Teaterns Stora Scen
20.00 Lilian von Haussen (DE)
21.00 Dror Feiler
22.15 Nikka (SPA)
23.30 Vladislav Delay (FIN)

Södra Bar & Kök
17.00 DJ Gavin Maycraft
00.00 DJ Annie (NO)

Södra Teaterns Kägelbana (Västra)
20.15 Fontän
21.15 Den Svenska Björnstammen
22.45 OP: L Bastards (FIN)

Södra Teaterns Kägelbana (Östra)
20.30 Koeff
21.45 The Moth
23.15 Captain Credible (NO)

//P. Belladonna, a better option the Grammis me!

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