Sunday, June 20, 2010

The time is now!!

BDT, the offensive social rebels that get in controversy with every convention created by the common perceptions, just passed 80 000 thousand UNIQUE visitors. BDT that likes to question everything, including them selves, makes everything unsafe in their bizarre high speed crusade. With shitty English, kvasi-intellectual ideas and some stolen pictures BDT is infecting Internet with their provocative contagious idea virus.

We live in a world demanding for consensus, in a time were we inconsistently promotes diversity, but only within the frames of social acceptance!? Fake justice movements are popping up, people that feed on injustices and using them as excuses for their own personal benefits and self promotion. But what happens to the true eccentric left fields, the minority of people that has the responsibility to question social status Q in favor of progress and evolution, will they forever be doomed by the jack in office to stay in the corner? The answer is Yes, that is were BDT comes in... BDT just wants to make the journey for these heroic fucked up people a bit more fun.

If you believe weapons or violence are powerful tools for suppressed minorities, you are wrong, no weapon or army is greater than a dangerous idea delivered with love. We know when an idea is great, it is when people start to sh**t their pants. We promise no weapons or army can stop an idea which time has come.

Now´s the time!!

//P.Belladonna is having fun for real..

1 comment:

Trent Reker said...

fuck yeah! keep it up, gentlemen.