Monday, November 29, 2010

Play along

//P:Belladonna is game over

Old shit!

//P:Belladonna is burning ships..

Hipster porn #22

Hipsterporn the new art!!

//P:Belladonna believes in everything

Day and night with Bruce Penhall

In the day:

At night:

Check out Bruce Penhall at Wikipedia here and youtube here

P:Belladonna likes the night version

Sunday, November 28, 2010

BDT fair fever weekend

BDT have fair fever..both the Sci-fi and the official photography fair was visited by the BDT boys on Saturday. Sweden is covered in snow and darkness so visiting different activities is essential to survive this depressing period of the year.We welcome any invitation from you long as there is free boose and beautiful women..

//P:Belladonna is joying the party

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Belladonna loves you!

//P:Belladonna loves Belladonna to..

Keep your heart hot!!

This Pictures makes you want to cry?? It is 7 ° cold outside and there is another 5 month until the streets are free from fucking snow...So when BDT member Fucks posted this pictures on his Facebook a few minutes ago i almost started to cry. But at the same time a warm feeling spread trough my arctic soul, their is hope, there is a reason to get up in the morning, every day, there will be light, there will be another day on the bike on a a hot summer day...

//P:Belladonna have hope..

Friday, November 26, 2010

Home sweet home #3

Welcome to Speedy´s home, one of BDT´s Founder and a true tracker fan. Speedy is an artist, an explorer of the imagination doing everything to keep his dreams alive. Speedy´s crypt is located on the hills of Knivsöder in the creative part of Stockholm. Speedy has devoted his life to anything that makes the blood pumping..? He explores the dualism, the energy of the contradictory opposites of the human mind and the never ending conflict in between them. Love hate, life and death, good and evil the pornographer and the poet etc. With hardcore weapons, religious symbols and naked bodies creates Speedy fictive imaginary stories and illusions, not by provoking the ordinary, but more by confronting and challenging the existing norms and values.
He knows the cost of declaring war against the ordinary, the ticket to the safe zone, a place were ordinary people give each other peace to be, as long as they don´t do anything outside the box. But he also knows that great art and inventions lies far outside this safe zone waiting to be discovered by anyone who dares to explore this unknown territory. He is passionated change agent fighting for a better world were there is room for people that decides to walk their own way...even if its against the driving direction..

//P:Belladonna would change his life for a safeticket any day