Monday, November 15, 2010

BDT premium service

Someone wonders, what hell is Belladonna Trackers? Is it a biker club? A frivolous sex-club? A art-gallery? Or just a bunch of guys wanna have fun? No its neither of them! It is hard fucking work, ONLY! At least 3 hours a day of our precious life does it take to keep this shit rolling, approx 1000 hours a year at your service, for free.

But now we want to get payed, by you......! with comments!! You can write whatever you like in our blog postings... as long it is great words and songs about us (who wants to get payed with shit??) If you not are a writer or stink at English, like us, then just put down your name with a following :), it is a appreciated donation we promise. For all of you guys that is sneaking with Belladonna Url at home, afraid of your wife finding out that you have another love in life, then use a fake names like us. Because what sorry ass taught that P:Belladonna was for real..?

//P:Belladonna is, but in slightly different way..


jereerej said...

Continue BellaDonna!

Great, Great work!!!

P.A said...

Tnx Jereerej!! We will!!

Anonymous said...

I like!


Bastards said...

You guys rock, keep up the good work. I'll give you a ring when i'm i Sthlm, so we can grab a beer.

Anonymous said...

Keep it up, dudes!


Dick said...

Keep the throttle open, Donnas!


matt machine said...

ok...i will make comments you sick arses....