Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Blue sirens and medium rare

On the way to a late supper at a restaurant in the dark alleys of KNIVSÖDER yesterday, the Love Warriors couldn't stand the summer heat anymore. They started to undress and hooked up with night joggers and people walking their dogs... until the Police showed up!! One upset neighbor had woke up by the flashes and called the cops, the whole gang went with fast speed and blue sirens strait to jail.

But the hungry BDT gang was lucky, the police inspector that supposed to interrogate the gang was a true fan of BDT and immediate recognized the half naked famous BDT crew. He made a deal, if he could invite the starving Love Warriors for dinner after his shift later on that night, he would drop the charges. Well what could I say, BDT do every thing for freedom, why shouldn't a dinner with the enemy be included.

P.S. You don't have to be a criminal to be against the law.

//P:Belladonna wasn't invited

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