Sunday, July 31, 2011

Love Warrior #115 by Vladimir Rodjenko

Vladimir Rodjenko love warrior
Vladimir Rodjenko love warriors
Vladimir Rodjenko love warriors
Vladimir Rodjenko love warriors© Vladimir Rodjenko
Our new Love Warrior is the coolest woman on earth. She is the European champion in chess and she loves to get down into the BDT dungeon and practice her tricks. She reads backward, play memory games and known how to say "I love you" in 26 languages. She was born in Ukraine and moved to Sweden 6 years ago with her single father that also is a professional chess player, she learned how to speak Swedish fluidly in 2 month...We are delighted to have this amazing person around.

//P:Belladonna's queen is falling down

1 comment:

Pang said...

Herregud. Jag DÖR en oerhört jävla smärtsam och våt död för att den översta bilden är så oerhört rå och snygg. Jag vill ha den på min vägg. Och i min telefon. Och som skärmsläckare etc.