Thursday, September 15, 2011

BDT at the fashion shoot #1

Two tons of photo equipment is going down and up without any elevators, luckily we got Conny that also made breakfast at 5.30 am

Briefing meeting at the set at the fancy SOHO House in Berlin

The crew is discussing the shoot

Simon makes sure that everything is under control

Top model Marie is happy to be awake 6 a clock in the morning

See what coffee can do, ( 5 cups later)

7 cups..

Head stylist shows the clothes

Simon says, customer listen

Assistant Lukas

Make up on speed..

Art Director Anja in the house

Photographic eye

Come in and play

Conny is resting after carrying all the equipment

Equipment setup

Rocket science, for real..

Test shoots

Hair stylists in action

Direct from Frankfurt

Model nr 3

First shoot

Love warrior and assistant is breathing some fresh Berlin air from a open window

The art of social media..

Getting closer

Conny is getting Christmas feelings, she just told us that she love us and asked if she can join us to Sweden after the photo shoot..

Getting dressed for picture nr 2

Getting dressed for picture nr 2, oh I already said that..

Naked women makes people happier..

Conny didn't get enough attention and started to cry, Marie was there to cheer her up.

A double espresso please, its getting late..

7 Hours of waiting without getting in-front of the camera, luckily he had internet, checking the BDT blog??

22.37 am Redbull, coffee and a bucket of love..

Love warrior # 109 is updating her army

A pair of boobs for 29 euro, we heard of people that spend a hell lot more.

Marie in front of the Camera

Creative Air condition

14 hours later, 11 a clock in the evening, first shoot!!

Why go home when you can stay at a fancy hotel and have company??

BDT is a group of creative's that loves the act of making things, music, art-concepts, bikes and pictures etc. Its the concept of transforming a idea into a form, visual to everybody that makes the BDT spirit spin. We live for the act of spreading our imagination into the daylight of peoples reality. This time Simon, Speedy, Vladimir and Love warrior #109 went down to Berlin to create a editorial shot for Galleries Lafayette.
Simon a respected photographer sat the professional bar, but he never lost contact with the creative energy that makes pictures go from great to magical. So at 11pm in the evening when every body just wanna go home and sleep, he started to wrestling his crew, yes you got right, the 40 person big set woke up like on a birthday morning .

//P:Belladonna is back in Sweden

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