Friday, November 21, 2008

How to fist

Fillipinas sexspalt
under hösten kommer Belladonnas Fillipina ta upp intressanta och heta ämnet på temat sex. Avslöja, informera och inspirera till nya sköna idéer i höstmörkret. Fillipina utmanar och töjer gränser i dina fantasiers tjänst.
Fillipina vill också meddela alla smiskisar att "Fred Slice" är upptagen och att dom igår kväll bestämde sig för att flytta ihop. Fillipina kunde till slut inte emotstå Fredriks stora plasma tv. Ikväll träffar du det nyförälskade paret på "Fredag med Fredrik" Har du ideer till Fillipina på temat, skicka ett mail till belladonna så kanske hon tar upp det här.

How To Fist
The term fisting may sound like it's done fast and hard, but actually fisting is an act that requires patience, arousal and lots of lubrication. Here's how it's done.

Difficulty: Hard
Time Required: At least a half hour
Here's How:

1. In order for the vaginal walls to open wide enough for your had to fit in, she
must be highly aroused. Spend lots of time doing what ever it takes to turn her on.
2. In order to receive a hand into her vagina, a woman must be very relaxed. Fisting
can be very intense, so make sure if the woman on the receiving end needs to stop,
that you do. She should be the one in charge of this situation.
3. Plan to use lots of lubricant and wear a latex glove for protection from sexually
transmitted diseases.
4. Insert one or two fingers at a time. She may enjoy clitoral stimulation as you do
5. The idea is to try and get your hand as small as possible. Cup your four fingers
around your thumb so your hand is a skinny as it can get.
6. With your knuckles facing the posterior (bottom) of her vagina, slowly rotate
your hand, while gently pushing in.
7. Getting your knuckles through is the most difficult part. Add more lube if
needed. She should be breathing deep breaths and trying to relax. Again, if it is
too much for her, stop.
8. A slight rotation of the wrist should be all you need to get past her pubic bone
and inside her vagina.
9. Your hand will naturally curl up once inside. Once you are inside you can hold
still, gently move in and out, or gently rotate your wrist.
10. Fisting can be intense and make you partner feel vulnerable. Remember it is her
pleasure you are after. Respect her wishes.

1. Not all women will be able to tolerate fisting. If she can't handle it, stop!
2. Lube! Lube! Lube! And more Lube!
3. Communication is essential in an intense act like fisting. Make sure you and your
partner understand each other.
4. If you are acting out a scene has a "safe word" that means stop.

What You Need:
* A latex glove
* Lots of water based lubricant

Good luck

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